EnGuler Sabanci among Forbes 100 Most Powerful Women list

Guler Sabanci among Forbes 100 Most Powerful Women list

07.06.2016 - 01:29 | Son Güncellenme:

On 2016’s list of the Forbes' World's Most Powerful Women, Turkish businesswomen Guler Sabancı, Sabancı Holding Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, was ranked 64th in the list.

Guler Sabanci among Forbes 100 Most Powerful Women list

The annual list was released on Monday and 100 women from 29 different countries were included in the list.

Haberin Devamı

German Chancellor Angela Merkel topped the list for the sixth year running. The 41-year-old Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer becomes the youngest woman in the list and was placed 55th.

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