EnPolice brings Ayvaz Korkmaz back

Police brings Ayvaz Korkmaz back

26.12.1999 - 00:00 | Son Güncellenme:

Police brings Ayvaz Korkmaz back

Police brings Ayvaz Korkmaz back

Nihat Altıntas - İstanbul

One of the leading names of the estates mafia Ayvaz Korkmaz is also being brought back to Turkey. Among the charges against Korkmaz there are Sarıtas Brothers murder and the attack against the prison - warder of Metris Prison Veli Unal.
In an operation conducted jointly by the Turkish and the Ukrainian security Korkmaz was captured near Kiev and is expected to be extradited to Turkey soon. Korkmaz’s name has also been mentioned in the sabotage against broker Yener Kaya. Huseyin Uzun who committed suicide under detention in Istanbul Security Office, had claimed Ayavz Korkmaz had motivated the murder of Yener Kaya.
Korkmaz, who has a crowded criminal record had first been jailed for armed attack in 1984. Korkmaz was being wanted with red bulletin by Istanbul State Security Court for establishing underground organisation for criminal activity.
Ayvaz Korkmaz who has been abroad since September 1998, is expected to be questioned by the Administration of Organised Crimes.

Famous convicts abroad

Selim Edes, Halil Bezmen, Ayşegül Tecimer, Nejat Das, Huseyin Baybasin, Sedat Sahin, Engin Civan, Dursun Karatas, Fehriye Erdal, Ismail Akyol and Mehmet Ali Agca are the well known names who managed to escape abroad after being convicted in Turkey.
As the authorities have recently succeeded in capturing many fugitives in foreign countries, the criminals abroad have hard times. After the extradition of Alaattin Cakici who was captured by Interpol, the studies to return former Sisli mayor Gulay Asliturk from Britain continues.

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Sevenlerinin yürekleri ağzında! Doktorlarından tedirgin eden açıklama

Cadde | 06.03.2025 - 16:03

Kanser tedavisi gören 76 yaşındaki usta sanatçı İlhan Şeşen'in sağlık durumunun kritik olduğu öğrenildi.
