EnThe agreement binds me and Baykal

The agreement binds me and Baykal

14.06.1998 - 00:00 | Son Güncellenme:

The agreement binds me and Baykal

The agreement binds me and Baykal

"This agreement binds me and Mr.Baykal. My partners have objections about the resignation of the Prime Minister and about having determined a date for the election beforehand, however we have no problems among us. They told me they will be giving support." has said Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz to the leader of the Democrat Turkey Party(DTP), Husamettin Cindoruk who described the agreement with Baykal a "monstrosity".
Yilmaz has said the following in the press conference in Isparta:
"What I have agreed on with Mr.Baykal is to hold the two elections together in next spring and to suggest this to the Parliament. Of course the will of the Parliament is above everything else, but everyone should be respectful to the right the parties in the Parliament have of making agreements among eachother. There are no problems between the partners. Mr.Cindoruk is a
free-minded leader. His opinions maybe different but there is no discord within the coalition."
Prime Minister gave the following answer to the question, "When will a written agreement be realized with Mr.Baykal?":
"I made the suggestion to prepare a written protocol on the subjects we have agreed on. Mr.Baykal has prepared a draft and sent it to me. I am going over that draft with the coalition partners. Also with their consent we will sign it in the following days. Naturally this will be a document that binds me and Mr.Baykal and so our parties. The coalition partner parties have some alteration suggestions. There are points that they do not agree with but they will not declare. But as I have said the protocol is between me and Mr.Baykal. It will be brought into force in the following days."
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Cadde | 09.03.2025 - 13:30

Hakkında 5 yıl 3 aya kadar hapis cezası istenen sosyal medya fenomeni Kerimcan Durmaz, tahliye edilmişti. Tahliye sonrası açıklama yapan ve bir süre sosyal medyadan uzak kalacağını söyleyen Durmaz'dan yeni paylaşım geldi.