09.12.1997 - 00:00 | Son Güncellenme:
Israeli Defence Minister Yitzhak Mordechai's visit to Turkey started yesterday. The visit shaped into a more interesting one because it coincides with the Organization of Islamic Conference summit and the Defence Industry Executive Committee meeting that will be held today. In his visit to the National Defence Ministry, Mordechai was received with military ceremony by the Deputy Prime Minister and National Defence Minister Ismet Sezgin.
In his statement before the meeting Mr. Sezgin said, as two democratic and secular countries in the Gulf Turkey and Israel are carrying out their responsibilities to maintain peace and stability. Mr. Sezgin pointed out that the further improvement of the relationship between the two countries will will provide benefits for peace in the Middle East. Mr. Sezgin also underlined that these relations "don't target any third country".
On the question "Will the reaction in the Islamic Conference affect the Turkey - Israel relations?", by an Israeli reporter, Mr.Sezgin expressed his reaction to the Tehran decision and spoke as follows:
"In the decision text of the OIC, without giving the name of the country Turkey was implied in the 'countries that make deals with Isrel'. This resolution is none of our business and it doesn't bind us. We want stability, peace and security in the Middle East. We want the region leave its position as a barrel of gunpowder. If there is a problem we would like it be solved with dialogue. Our agreement with Israil is on subjects related with education and human. We will continue with these agreements since we believe this the peace in the region depends on this."
Mr. Sezgin said the date is yet indefinite for the Israel - Turkey - the U.S. joint military practice which will take place in early January, but no doubt that the practice will be conducted, he adds.
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