03.07.1999 - 00:00 | Son Güncellenme:
PKK militants loyal to Abdullah Ocalan have launched attacks in retaliation against the death sentence imposed on their leader.
The militants shot dead four people overnight in a coffeehouse attack in Elazig.
It was the first attack of its kind since a court sentenced Ocalan to hang for leading an armed campaign against the State in which 29 thousands people have died.
The PKK militants also shot a policeman on guard outside a brothel in the eastern city of Van, killing one officer and injuring a second.
Three people were silghtly injured in a coffeehouse bombing in Istanbul, but the identity of the assailants was not known.
In Elazig, two militants opened fire with automatic weapons on the coffeehouse, killing four men and injuring five. Police and gendarmes shot dead one of the guerillüas and the second, a woman, was found and killed as she hid in a building site.
"They should all come and surrender otherwise they will end up like this," Elazig province governor Lutfullah Bilgin told reporters as he pointed down to one of the militants' bodies.
It he last two days of fighting in the remote region, troops killed 18 rebels in a mountainous area in Hakkari province, bordering Iran and Iraq.
Sanatçılar, Ramazan Bayramı’nda yaklaşık iki saat sahnede kalarak, milyonlar kazanacak.